Das Spiel ist in physischer Form nur noch über den Gebrauchthandel zu bekommen.
- Cheats
From the main menu goto the options screen. Then Enter the Enter Code Section to use the below codes. To disable this cheat please re-enter the same code.
Code Effect
Triangle, R2, Left, L2, Right, Circle, X Access All Areas, To unlock all tracks, speeds and championships enter the following code
Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down Aggressive Opponents, To make all opponents attack all the time, enter the following code
Triangle, Up,, Square, Circle, L2, Up, Circle Granite Car, To enable granite car mode enter the following code
Square, Up, Square, R2, Square, Up, Square Helium, To make all the characters talk in a high pitched voice, enter the following code
Triangle, X, Down, Up, Triangle, X, Down Infinite Boost, To give your vehicle a permanently full boost bar enter the following code
X, Triangle, X, Up, Left, Down, Right Invulnerability, To give your vehicle unlimited health in races enter the following code
L2, R2, L2, R2, Triangle, X, Circle Last Three Cars, To enable the last three cars for play enter the following code
Square, Up, Square, Circle, Up, Square, Circle Micro Cars, To enable micro cars mode enter the following code
Triangle, Up, Square, R2, Triangle, Up, Square Monster Truck, To enable monster truck mode enter the following code
Up, Circle, Up, Right, Square, Up, Square Moon Gravity, To enable moon gravity enter the following code
X, Square, Circle, Down, Up, Circle, L2 Overkill, To make all your Car-fu moves do total damage enter the following code
Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down Pacificist Opponents, To disable Car-fu for all opponents enter the following code
Left, X, Right, Down, Triangle, Up, Square Psychedelic, To put the game in to psychedelic color mode enter the following code
L2, X, Square, Down, Up, Square, Triangle Super Speed, To enable super fast racing mode enter the following code
Triangle, X, Left, Down, Square, Up, Square Tiny Opponents, To enable tiny opponents mode enter the following code
Triangle, X, Left, Down, Triangle, Up, Square Tiny Player, To enable tiny player mode enter the following code
Down, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Up, Square Treacle, To make the whole game run in slow motion enter the following code
L2, Square, Circle, Left, Up, Square, Circle Up-Sized Cars, To enable huge cars mode enter the following code